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3 Ways to Build Bigger Arms, Faster

Updated: Dec 18, 2021

Building muscle is why most of us constantly return to the gym. It's the beacon of light that continues to drive our effort-driven workouts that many consider us crazy for, but how do we build muscle effectively? That's the question that trips up so many lifters.

That's because it's harder to build muscle than you might think. Building muscle isn't simply about going to the gym, and it's not simply about eating pounds and pounds of protein. To build muscle, you must push your muscles to the limit, then let them recover and grow stronger as they do. And to do this, you must create the proper recovery environment for them when you're not in the gym.

No, progressive overload takes place over months and months of working out. Sure, if you're new to the gym, you may add major pounds to the bench press, partly because you're just learning the exercise. But the longer you're in the gym, the harder it is to make gains. This is why it's incredibly important to have a plan in place and build a framework for your training and nutritional habits that coincide with your goals. "Workouts without a plan just won't get you to the goals you want," says MH fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. "You need a strategy."

Note, your muscle building strategy doesn't need to be so rigid that it leaves no room for fun. In fact, you can still eat meals you enjoy, and you don't need to spend hours in the gym, as long as when you're training and fueling yourself strategically a majority of the time. The goal is to create a muscle building plan that is realistic for your goals and needs.

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